Monday, September 18, 2006

Sushi Party Soon!

Mark your calendars for...


(this is the big one)

Saturday, October 7th from 7:00 to 10:00 pm

at the Frith Community Center in Jardine
(go here for help finding it: ).

This is a great chance to bring international friends or to meet an international friend or to meet an American friend. There will be music, games, and fun. We will share about some more upcoming opportunities as well.

Check out the picture section on the right for pictures from past sushi parties. I'm recruiting a solid kitchen crew of folks who want to learn to make sushi or already know how and want to help. Food prep will start at 3:00 pm. If you're interested, let me know. There's limited space in the kitchen so I might have to have auditions... RSVP to if you're coming and let me know how many.

PS...if you're on Facebook, then join the International Itinerary group.

That's all for now...cheers!

1 comment:

Jill Pole said...

Ben and Maris - I would LOVE to help out with the sushi party! Where do I need to audition? :-) :-)
Dee Anne