Where: Ron and Marty Wellington's Directions are below
What: Hayride: the Sequel
Rides: Contact Ben Deaver at bendeaver@gmail.com or 785.341.9863 and leave your name, phone number, e-mail, and where you live.
Chili/soup making contest: We're having a chili/soup making contest as well. Contact Ben at bendeaver@gmail.com to let him know what you're bringing for that.

Stay on the asphalt, curving to the right...
Keep goin' and then finally near the limestone school house (on the right), the road will turn to gravel. We're about a 1/2 mile from the school house (the second driveway on the right after the school house). We have 30-acre field in front of our house along the road. We have a white beat-up, powercat mail box.
Number at home is 587-0909 if you get lost.